PTC09E Air Conditioner with Optional Electric Heat R-410A
Features : 9,000 BTU/h capacity EER up to 11.7 Equipped with DigiSmart™ Control New, quiet ind..
PTC12E Air Conditioner with Optional Electric Heat R-410A
Features : 12,000 BTU/h capacity EER up to 10.5 Equipped with DigiSmart™ Control New, quiet in..
PTC15E Air Conditioner with Optional Electric Heat R-410A
Features : 14,000 BTU/h nominal capacity EER up to 9.9 Equipped with DigiSmart™ Control New, q..
PTH09E Heat Pump R-410A
Features : 9,000 BTU/h capacity EER up to 11.7 COP of 3.3 Equipped with DigiSmart™ Control New..
PTH12E Heat Pump R-410A
Features : 12,000 BTU/h capacity EER up to 10.5 COP of 3.1 Equipped with DigiSmart™ Contr..
PTH15E Heat Pump R-410A
Features : 14,000 BTU/h nominal capacity EER up to 9.6 COP of 3.1 Equipped with DigiSmart™ Con..
Super-Dehumidification and Corrosion Resistant PTACs
Amana DigiSmartSuper-Dehumidification and Corrosion Resistant PTACsThe Amana Brand DigiSmart PTACs a..